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The sometimes unfathomable musings of a later-life diagnosed autistic, Geordie, postgraduate  Psychology student. Reflecting upon their path to the (hopefully) successful completion of a Master's of Research Psychology.  

Welcome to Toni talks psychology, where Toni blogs about her experiences as she encounters the trails and tribulations of post graduate study and her endeavours to learn the skills required to become a researcher in the field of psychology. 

My Research interest include:

  • health & wellbeing

  • Learning difficulties and disabilities

  • Neurodiversity

  • Trauma

(almost) All about me!!

Well. Here I am. A forty-something BSc Psychology graduate from the University of Northumbria in Newcastle, embarking upon a Master of Research Psychology. 

Having lived a somewhat varied life, having found employment in a range of highly fulfilling roles such as Koko the Clown in a children's soft-play area, chief button girl of a fabric department at a large well-known soft furnishing store, Building Society counter clerk, and self-employed general creative, I found my way to becoming a mature student as a mean's of paying the mortgage and keeping the roof over my head after some particularly icky life experiences lead me to develop PTSD and finding it difficult to work.

I did the sums and found that a student loan would keep me ticking over whilst I got myself well again and decided upon psychology under the misguided assumption that it would double up as therapy. 

My understanding of psychology as a discipline could not have been more wrong. However, as I progressed through my foundation year, I discovered that I had a bit of a flair for stats and analysis and as my understanding of psychology grew, so did my love for it, and after four years of healing, loss, a diagnosis of autism,  and a global pandemic I found myself graduating with 1st class honours and not anywhere near ready to finish my psychology journey. 

So, here I am on my MRes Psychology, with hopes and aspirations that I could not have fathomed four years ago, and the wish to pursue a career as a researcher in psychology, in the hope that I can gain insight into the factors that lead to my difficulties in the hope that those that follow may have an easier time.

Click to read all about my post graduate journey!


Toni Southern GMBPsS


University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

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